1. Introduction
Business Insurance Brokers Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter referred to as BI BROKERS) constantly strives to protect the personal data of Internet Users using the website www.bibrokers.pl as much as possible. Taking into account the high level of services provided by us, ensuring the protection of processed personal data and ensuring the confidentiality of entrusted data, BI BROKERS makes a declaration of support for activities aimed at proper protection of processed information and possible data.
By using the website www.bibrokers.pl, the user accepts the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
2. Definitions
- Administrator – BUSINESS INSURANCE BROKERS Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdańsk, 76 Partyzantów Street (hereinafter referred to as BI BROKERS);
- User – a natural person having full legal capacity (of legal age), who uses the website www.bibrokers.pl, accepting the Regulations and Privacy Policy;
- Providing services by electronic means – providing services at the individual request of the User of the www.bibrokers.pl website without the simultaneous presence of any of the websites, by sending / receiving data using IT/telecommunication systems, and such data is transmitted / sent via a public IT/telecommunication network within the meaning of the Act of 16.07.2004. – Telecommunications law as amended;
- IP address – a number which has a computer connected to the Internet each time (it is individual); IP address is either permanently associated with a given computer, or assigned in accordance with a given connection;
- Personal data – any information that may lead to the identification or identification of a natural person.
An identifiable person is a person whose identity can be identified/identified either indirectly (in particular by reference to one or more individual/specific factors determining a particular physical or physiological or mental characteristic or other such person, or by reference to that person’s identification number) or directly;
Cookie’s – any information that is stored in a TXT (text) file by a server on the User’s computer and that can be read by the server when reconnected to the computer in question;
3. Protection of personal data
- A user who uses the bibrokers.pl website provides his own Personal Data on a voluntary basis.
The user who uses the website www.bibrokers.pl automatically consents to BI BROKERS processing his/her own personal data in accordance with Article 18 of the Act on electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144 item 1204).
The User has the right to inspect his Personal Data, correct them and demand their removal under the terms of the Act on Personal Data Protection of 10.05.2018r. (Journal of Laws 2018 item 1000).
- Sharing Personal Data about Users (scope)BI BROKERS does not make personal data available to third parties. The exception is: – consent of the User or a request from the authorities entitled to request such information (e.g. public prosecutor’s office, court, police, etc.).
At the same time, BI BROKERS reserves the right to transfer collective statistical compilations/statistical data and/or any other information that does not allow for direct identification of individual Users.
- Information provided by Users
- External entities – Please be informed that BI BROKERS does not collect Personal Data from external entities (third parties). We inform you that BI BROKERS does not send/distribute/distribute unsolicited mass correspondence, including in particular advertising content.
- E-Mail addresses resulting from correspondence conducted with BI BROKERS – Users using the website bibrokers.pl may contact BI BROKERS by e-mail in the form of available correspondence address. At the same time, BI BROKERS reserves the right to store correspondence with the Users for statistical purposes and in order to provide the most appropriate and the quickest possible response to queries.
- BI BROKERS collects information about Users from the following sources:
– Cookies – BI BROKERS informs that it may use so-called “cookies”. (Cookies). BI BROKERS thus obtains basic information about the frequency of visits of the User on the website bibrokers.pl and information about which parts/elements of the website www.bibrokers.pl the User is most interested in. BI BROKERS uses this information to create statistical data and/or to make changes/adjustments/”upgrades” of the www.bibrokers.pl website to the functional needs of the Users. We inform you that by changing the appropriate configuration of your own web browser, you have the right to refuse to store cookies on your own computer.
- IP address – Please be advised that BI BROKERS does not store the IP addresses from which the connection was made in the data of the User. Please be informed that IP addresses appear only in the so-called system logs. Please be informed that the information obtained may be used for statistical and administrative purposes of the website bibrokers.pl due to the safety of users. na bezpieczeństwo Użytkowników.
4. Employment
We would like to inform you that through the website www.bibrokers.pl Users who are interested in working with BI BROKERS should send relevant documents to the indicated e-mail address.
We inform that in the event that the User submits/transmits documents/data/information for recruitment/employment purposes, BI BROKERS will process the Personal Data provided by the User for recruitment proceedings (i.e. assessment of the qualifications of such a person who wants to take up employment/cooperation), BI Brokers may then contact the User.
5. Changes to the privacy policy
We would like to inform you that BI BROKERS has the possibility to introduce changes/modifications in the subject Privacy Policy.
Please be informed that each newer version of the subject Privacy Policy will appear with an updated date.
We inform you that all significant changes will be clearly highlighted, while the User using the website www.bibrokers.pl after the date of changes automatically accepts the introduced changes in the newer version of the Privacy Policy.
6. Contact
In case of any additional questions or doubts related to this Privacy Policy, please contact BI Brokers at: sekretariat@bibrokers.pl